How to fill out Form 2555?

Filing Form 2555 (The Foreign Earned Income Exclusion) is commonly used by US citizens who live outside the US. The FEIE allows any taxpaying qualified US expat the right to…

What is the Physical Presence Test?

The Physical Presence Test is one of two tests you take to determine your eligibility for the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion. To pass the Physical Presence Test, you need to…

What is the Bona Fide Residence Test?

Expats who pass the Bona Fide Residence Test are eligible for tax exclusions and benefits like: Who is eligible for Bona Fide Residence Test?  Who is Not Eligible? The following…

What is the FEIE – Foreign Earned Income Exclusion?

Essentially, the FEIE is Form 2555 on a US tax return. It allows any qualifying and taxpaying American expat to exclude around 100k of foreign earned income from being taxed…

Why do we revoke the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion?

If you have used the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion (FEIE) in your previous year, some instances revoking it for a specific tax year and claiming the Foreign Tax Credit (FTC)…

Can I Claim the Child Tax Refund with Form 2555?

With Form 2555, you cannot claim the Additional Child Tax Credit refund. However, with Form 1116, you can. Here at MyExpatTaxes, our expat tax software allows you to claim the…

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