How to fill out Form 2555?
Filing Form 2555 (The Foreign Earned Income Exclusion) is commonly used by US citizens who live outside the US. The FEIE allows any taxpaying qualified US expat the right to exclude a certain amount of foreign earned income on their tax return. Foreign earned income can be your salary, wages, or any other amounts paid to you for personal services rendered by you abroad. You may visit this link from our website to know more.
Please see the steps on how you can fill out Form 2555 using the software:
Firstly, log into your account. If you are on our website, you’ll just need to select the “Get Started” button; as seen below:
Then, select “Sign in.” There are two buttons to sign in you can choose any of them.
Once logged in, you may select the “Foreign Earned Income Exclusion Form” on the navigation panel on the left side of the page:
You can always reach out to our Support team at if you need any help while filling the questions. Or you can request a chat on our website for real time assistance we are open during business days.
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