Tax Expert

What is the Streamlined Procedure?

Tax Expert

MyExpatTaxes Help Center » Tax Center » Expat Tax FAQs » What is the Streamlined Procedure?

Do you need to make up years of back taxes? Maybe a couple of FBARs or two? No worries because the Streamlined Procedure can help you get back on track, IRS penalty-free.

In 2014 the IRS developed the Streamlined Procedure to help US expats catch up on taxes without being subject to penalties. This program also allows you to file amended returns, and claim missed returns on qualified foreign pension plans.

To be eligible for the Streamlined, you need to:

  • Not live in a home within the United States for the last three years
  • Lived physically outside the United States for at least 330 days
  • Did not file a US federal tax return, delinquent, or amended returns for the last three years
  • Have not filed the FBAR in at least six years

Try the MyExpatTaxes Streamlined Filing Procedure and file 3 years of tax returns and 6 FBARs without any failure-to-file or FBAR penalties.

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