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MyExpatTaxes Help Center
Why is there a math question at the beginning of the software process?
How does two-factor authentication work?
Why should I create a strong password?
Can I pay in a secure way?
How is the data I enter secure?
Can you tell me about your security measures?
My financial accounts did not reach the FBAR threshold – should I still file?
Will info of joint accounts with non-US spouse be included on the FBAR?
Would there be a tax withheld on my FBAR accounts?
Do I have to prove that I don’t have any foreign financial accounts?
How many FBARs should spouses filing jointly file?
Should I report accounts I closed during the last year?
What are the consequences if I don’t file the FBAR?
How do I calculate the Total Value for FBAR?
Who Needs to File the FBAR?
I cannot open a PDF file you sent me, what should I do?
The app asked me to upload a document I don’t have right now?
Can I see the history of changes I made in the app?
How do I get in touch with you?
Want to get your US Expat Taxes done as well as your FBAR?
How many accounts can I report for the fee?
Can you e-file my FBAR for me?
Does MyExpatFBAR have a referral program?
What if I made a mistake during the process?
What happens if I get stuck during the filing process?
How do I get started with MyExpatFBAR?
How do I change my password on MyExpatFBAR?
What Payment Methods on MyExpatFBAR Can I Use?
How does the Rewards Program work?
When should you file the FBAR?
How do I proceed to the checkout?
Can I refer my friends and get a discount in return?
If I file my FBARs first and then file my tax return in the same year after all, will I get some discount for the taxes fee?
Why do US Expats have to file the FBAR?
When and how do I pay on MyExpatFBAR?
I have missed years of FBARs. How can I catch up?
Is MyExpatFBAR GDPR compliant?
How does MyExpatFBAR keep my account secure?
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