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Want to get your US Expat Taxes done as well as your FBAR?

Tax Expert

MyExpatTaxes Help Center » FBAR » FBAR Features » Want to get your US Expat Taxes done as well as your FBAR?

You can quickly and easily file your FBAR online with MyExpatFBAR – or file your US Tax Return & your FBAR together with MyExpatTaxes!

It’s possible to upgrade from MyExpatFBAR to MyEpatTaxes during the process. Just click on the ‘FBAR & US TAXES’ button on the top and we’ll transfer your account.

If you file and pay for your FBAR only at first, but later want to upgrade to file for a tax return in the same calendar, the FBAR payment will be credited towards the tax return fee!

File just your FBAR – or File your US Expat Taxes Too! The choice is yours.

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