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How do I get started with MyExpatFBAR?

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MyExpatTaxes Help Center » FBAR » FBAR FAQs » How do I get started with MyExpatFBAR?

MyExpatFBAR is a software that helps you file your US FBARs, no matter where you live. Getting started takes less than 5 minutes. To make the process faster, ensure you have the required documents needed to file your FBARs.

Set Up your Account

  1. Create an Account in under 3 minutes! Answer simple questions about yourself.
  2. Activate your account.
    A link will be sent to your inbox to activate your account. Make sure to check your spam!
  3. Input your personal information.
  4. Include information about your Foreign Bank Accounts and assets.
  5. Confirm your FBAR is complete and accurate.
  6. Complete your payment. This will unlock your FBAR package draft! Your payment is always secure, using rigorous European Security Standards.
  7. Digitally submit your finished FBAR to FinCEN.

You can always save your progress & return to your account if you don’t have all the information handy. So no worries!

Get Started!

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