How do I change my password on MyExpatTaxes?

You may select the “Reset Password” to change your password when you’re on the log-in page. You may also use this link:

Getting started ASAP!

Not to worry! We can have you started in no time! Click ‘Get Started’ In the upper right corner of the screen, you can click the “Get Started” button to…

Can I file jointly for a streamlined procedure?

Married couples who file jointly and are both US citizens/Green Card holders with a valid Social Security Number or ITIN can file jointly using the Streamlined Procedure. Keep in mind…

What part of my income is taxable by the IRS?

US citizens and Green Card holders are taxed on their total worldwide income. Does that mean that you will be double taxed? Not if the country in which you made…

How do I report my financial assets as an expat?

We can help you with that. Our intuitive expat tax software allows you to report financial assets simply and smoothly. Financial assets you can report include: Cash, bank account deposits,…

I left the US and never renewed my Green Card – do I still need to file?

If you have not formally renounced your Green Card, you are still considered a Resident Alien for tax purposes and are required to file a US tax return to report…

How to report cryptocurrency gains?

Crypto are treated like investments like stocks and any capital gain/loss is reported on Schedule D. Here are some other points to know: The cost basis is the amount of…

The app asked me to upload a document I don’t have right now?

If you don’t yet have the document, you may just skip the question and come back once the document is available. If the upload is required, you can just upload…

I cannot open a PDF file you sent me, what should I do?

When this occurs, it is normally due to your browser. We recommend trying different browsers or downloading the PDF and opening it up with Adobe Acrobat:

What is a W-9 form?

An IRS Form is commonly used to collect information from freelancers, independent workers, or workers who aren’t employed in a company but have completed work. If you earn more than…

Do I have to answer every question in the app?

We mark which questions are required based on your unique tax situation.

My spouse is a non-US citizen, should I file jointly or separately?

If your spouse is not a US citizen or Green Card holder, then he/she does not need to be included on your tax return. Instead, you should file as “Married…

Can I make changes after I submit my return?

As long as it has not been submitted to and accepted by the IRS, you can still make some changes. If it was submitted and accepted by the IRS, you…

Options if I don’t feel comfortable sharing my Social Security Number online?

We understand your hesitance. As we’re dealing with sensitive data, we also have customers that are not comfortable providing all their information online. Your Social Security Number is required for…

I changed figures on the app, but it’s not reflected in the draft – what to do?

If you made significant changes within the app, your tax forms may need to be reviewed by one of our tax professionals. Then, they will be regenerated/re-finalized so the changes…

What to do with my prior tax returns? Will you e-file them for me too?

If you are Streamlining, then these prior year returns cannot be e-filed. Please use the included Tax Filing Instructions (2nd page in your tax package) to paper mail your return.…

Can I file with MyExpatTaxes, even if I don’t have records of my income?

While you should always have documentation of your income, if you are confident in your input and estimate on the higher side when it comes to income earned, you can…

Why does the software ask me to complete 4 years of returns if Streamlined requires 3?

The MyExpatTaxes software asks you to complete 4 years of tax returns because it includes the current year as well.

My kids don’t have Social Security Numbers – do I apply before filing taxes

Yes, you can apply Social Security Numbers for them. If you have an extension filed in place, you have until October 15 to submit your tax return. But please be…

What is Foreign Earned Income?

Foreign earned income is income from services performed abroad that you actively worked for (i.e. as an employee, self-employed). Foreign investment income does not count! Learn more about foreign sourced…

What is FATCA or Form 8938?

By loading the video, you agree to YouTube’s privacy policy.Learn more Load video Always unblock YouTube When you’re US citizen, you may be required to report your non-US financial accounts…

What can I deduct when it comes to charity and donations?

When it comes to deduction for donations and charity: Only donations to qualified organizations can be included. Additionally, you may check on this IRS website if your organization is eligible…

Can I claim the Recovery Rebate with MyExpatTaxes?

The Recovery Rebate Credit, in essence, is a tax credit that you’re able to use against your US income taxes as an American living abroad. This credit was paid in…

What are the consequences if I don’t file the FBAR?

Hefty penalties can come your way if you forgot or didn’t know you had to file the FBAR, or Foreign Bank Account Report. Depending on your circumstance as an expat,…

Are prices the same for single people and married couples?

Yes, if filing under the “Married Filing Jointly” status. Filing together with your spouse does normally come with better tax benefits. However, it can cause extra reporting stress for Americans…

Why do I owe US Taxes?

When you’re a US Citizen or Green Card Holder living abroad, you’re required to file US taxes to the IRS every year if you reach the income filing threshold. However, filing…

Why do I have a refund?

There are a few reasons why you’re due for a refund on your US tax return, even if you’re not living in the US. Unclaimed stimulus checks Additional child tax…

Why there’s a negative sign in line 8?

The negative sign in line 8 shows that we’ve used the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion on your return. You can find the computation in Schedule 1 of the return, the…

Why do I see multiple Form 1116s?

Each Form 1116 has a Regular and an Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) version, tied to Form 6251. This AMT tax calculation is always run in the background to avoid taking…

Why do we revoke the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion?

If you have used the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion (FEIE) in your previous year, some instances revoking it for a specific tax year and claiming the Foreign Tax Credit (FTC)…

Can I Claim the Child Tax Refund with Form 2555?

With Form 2555, you cannot claim the Additional Child Tax Credit refund. However, with Form 1116, you can. Here at MyExpatTaxes, our expat tax software allows you to claim the…

Can I Contribute to My IRA If Taxable Compensation is Excluded?

You cannot contribute to your IRA if almost all your taxable compensation is excluded via Foreign Earned Income Exclusion/Form 2555. [Remember, Form 2555/FEIE] This form is also not a required…

Taxable Income

The end result of a quite complicated math equation (we handle this for you!) to understand how much of your gross income is actually taxable to the U.S. This includes…


Like dinosaurs, these use to exist but no longer do in 2018! In 2017 and prior, you would get an additional “buffer” to lower your tax bill depending on how…


The IRS provides a standard deduction (i.e. up to that amount of gross income is tax-free) or you can itemize expenses to lower your tax bill. The 2018 standard deduction…

Filing Status

Earned Income Credit

A tax credit for certain people who work, meet certain requirements, and have earned income under a specified limit. This credit is not generally applicable for U.S. Expats due to…

Foreign Financial Accounts

Any financial account (bank, pension, investment vehicle, etc.) that is located outside of the U.S.

What is the Streamlined Filing Compliance Procedure?

Freaking out because you didn’t know you had to file your US taxes abroad? The Streamlined Filing Compliance Procedure allows you to catch up with your taxes by just filing…

How do I know if my tax return got approved by the IRS?

There are 3 ways on how you can check if your tax return was successfully approved by the IRS. The first thing to do is visit the IRS Where’s My…

What should I do in case my tax return gets rejected?

The IRS has strict requirements that you need to follow in terms of e-filing. If you have not complied with the IRS rules, your tax return will most likely be…

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