Tax Expert

I haven’t filed for years, how do I catch up?

Tax Expert

MyExpatTaxes Help Center » Application » Getting Started » I haven’t filed for years, how do I catch up?

If you have never filed a tax return and are a US expat living abroad for more than 3 years, there is a solution for you.

You can catch up on your US taxes as an American abroad by utilizing the IRS Tax Amnesty Program. This means you can avoid late filing penalties! It is a safe and legal way to get back on track if you’ve never filed a tax return.

However, it’s understandable if you are hesitant or nervous to start this filing process because it means you have to be open about being a US citizen abroad and never filing a tax return.

Fear not though, as this US Expat Tax Amnesty program is made especially for you and will reduce any late filing fees if applicable!

Find out more about the Streamlined procedure.

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