Tax Expert

What happens if I get stuck during the filing process?

Tax Expert

MyExpatTaxes Help Center » Application » Getting Started » What happens if I get stuck during the filing process?

You can use two ways to reach out to us via Live chat or send us an email:

If you need help in real-time, you can reach us thru our Live Chat within the MyExptTaxes App, you’ll just need to select the chat icon on the lower part of the navigation panel.

Chat button MyExpatTaxes

You’ll be asked for your name and email address (that you used to sign up with us MyExpatTaxes) to proceed with the chat, and one of our Support Team will be assigned to you to help you in case you get stuck.

stuck during filing process contact

You may also send us an email at or use our Contact Form on our website.

We’ll get back to you within 24 hours if it’s on weekdays. Our Live chat is available on our app about 12-14 hours per business day so we can cover all the time zones.

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