Tax Expert

What are the US Expat Tax Filing Dates?

Tax Expert

MyExpatTaxes Help Center » Tax Center » Expat Tax FAQs » What are the US Expat Tax Filing Dates?

Here are the deadlines for filing your 2021 taxes in the 2022 tax season:

April 18th: The US tax filing deadline for US taxpayers living with the United States., and the payment deadline for expats who owe taxes.

June 15th: The US tax filing deadline for expats. Expats can file a free extension by the deadline to receive a greater extension.

October 15th: The extended tax filing deadline for expats, and the FBAR deadline. If you need more time to file, apply for a second extension by mail as soon as possible.

December 15th: The very last day for people to file and pay US tax before the tax season closes.

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